Sunday, June 26, 2011


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Metal For Love and marriageThis metal taweez is best for love and marraiges. This is helpful for those people singles who not yet get married due to some reasons they haven't yet proposed or some one proposed but for some reasons they can't get married.With the help of Allah we have the solution for it all you haveto do is get this metal based taweez and use it for about 21 or 41 days and you will see every kind of resistance will be cleared and you will get married very soon.Read More

Metal Plate For Stopping:This metal based taweezed help to stop un wanted acts, events of life. This taweez we create in special time which comes after many weeks. This taweez helps you to stop anything which you either that is Love, Marriage, Education, Rape Habit, Drinking Habit and much much more.Read More

Metal For Sharf-e-Mareekh
This bronze metal based taweez we create in a special period of time and its best for the people who has star vinus. This Taweez can help them who use it to be successful in every aspect of life and also protect them from upcoming bad events in their lifes.For victory and prosperity:if there is and enemy or victory is deoired over an adversary or you want to win a law suit then who ever possesses this tablet is garunteed success in his or her mission.There enemies will be ruined with no chance of victory at all.they will gain what they wish no matter how many absticles are present or how many calamities take place,espacialy those caused by the vebellions nature of men.Hence greate benefits can be achieved by the use of this tablet.Read More

Metal For sharf-e-zohra

Advanteges of a Tablet created when Venus enters its sign: when venus makes an angle of 27 with pisces it creates a specific effect .allah has created time in such a way that it leaces a specific impression at every instantexperts in philosophy believe that inorder to achieve desired effect an agent is to be supplied so in the skies can be transfred to the earth when such a subject is supplied and its effect accepted then this effect is wonsfered on to a tablet or amulet.then everything apperts an the attributes of allah.hence the effect generated by venus upon reaching these steps works with refrenceto mentioned and for subduing women. the net result being that the process of this tablet will have attention of manlind.fame freatness and acceptance will be within his grap therefore people shuld see advantage of this time those who one dependents upon people for example doctors,lawyers,leaders,shopkeepers etc for their livelihood can use this increase their can also be used to catch the attention of females.those who want to subdue to a certain someone can have their wish.Read More

Metal for Sharf-e-Shams
This Bronze Metal based taweez is best for those people who has star SUN. We create this taweez in special time and this is very helpfull in every matter of life.Read More

Metal For or Education
Taweez printed on sliver metal can be helpful to get positive results in educational maters. This taweez can only be created in special time and this can be helpfull for the people who are not so much good in education. Parents who are worried about their child studies can try this for their childerens.How to use: This silver metal based taweez has to use 40 days with water means the person who is using it has to dip the silver plate in a glass of water every night and than drink early in the morning this process has to continue for 40 days and after that person has to enlose this taweez in green cloth and wear it in neck and wait for the resluts.Read More


LOH-E-TASKHEER-E-KHALAIQ is a taweez which we create on bronze metal in a special period of time which makes it powerful and this helps its user to be successful in every field of life specially for those who are running their business.Read More

Loh-e-Qurani printed on bronze metal and dipped in gold water which we create in special time can be use for general purpose means you can use it for anything you want. This taweez start its work in 21 days or maximum in 45 days. We have very successful results of it and we hope if you try you will also admit its the best thingwhich can change your life.Read More

Metal for Stars

This metal based taweez help to stop un wanted acts, events of life. This taweez we create in special time which comes after many weeks. this taweez helps you to stop anything which you either that is love marrige,education,rape habit, drinking habit, and much more.Taweez printed on bronze metal helps to remove bad effects of stars. this bronze metal with gold water quoted tarweed is used to reduce facing issues due to stars effect, use of this taweez can complete stop all bad effects of stars and convert them in positive way which helps you to grow and live as you want.The star and the number are to do and die is Saturn and eight respectively anyone who knowledge of numerology and astronomy will known that those people who have personal or birth number eight or the first or second part of whose name adds up to be eight and are born between 28 December and 19 February are said to be under the influence of the unlucky planet Saturn. Saturn is a distressing and unlucky planet star. all the famous politication who have come to power in Pakistan have ultimately met exemplary ends under the influence of this star. for example, Muhammad ali jinnah’s zodiac sign is Capricorn and planet star Saturn the name jinnah is a number (8).mr.muhamad ali jinnah gaind world wide fame but was later injectedwith position while on a visit the result was death next,Zulfiqar ali Bhutto whose zodiac sign was also capricon star sarurn and the number for the name Bhutto eight was hanged on 14 aprail 1979.The day and the month has the number eight 1979 also has the number eight along with the name Bhutto hence on the day the number formed a triangle who resulted in his hanging.later Zia-ul-haq took over whose zodiac sign was leo and star the sun but he was also killed on 17th August 1988 when his exploded due to the presence of a bomb on board.The date 17has the unique number 8,the month August also has the number 8 along with the year 1988.hence a triangle was formed which resulted in his death.Read More